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One may be a quarterback or running back whose numbers may not look too overwhelming. Think
about the players who may not get as much playing time but are very talented
or the players who are in the dog house with the coach and get no
playing time.Just remember: stats are not everything when it comes to who's better, who's not,
who can play in college or even the level of college. They make for better
sports news. If a player was rushing for 250 yards per game or scoring 30
points per game coaches would take notice right away because the numbers have gotten their
attention.The numbers cannot always be used in getting a player recruited for college or trying
to get a college coach's interest. Just look at the player. Big numbers really catches
everyone's attention because if you didn't see the game that's all you would have to
go on, right?There are factors involved that the average person or fan of high school
sports may not truly understand. Their reason for doing this was to create buzz about
themselves only.These very good high school basketball players did not need to embellish their stats.
And most college recruiters will see the numbers. That was their only goal. It was
a great way for me to meet players and their parents. Stats mean something but
they're not always the true test of a player's ability.When it comes to recruiting, it's
about size and speed and what players can really do out there in the games
against other good high school athletes. Most of the time recruiting is done by mailing
or emailing information to college coaches about players. The family acted as though they were
free agents in pro sports moving from school to school, team to team. My point
here is seeing is better than reading the numbers.Many years ago there were two brothers
who played on a good high school basketball nike tn team coached by their father. In this
new world of recruiting high school student athletes do stats really matter? Now these
days with so many message boards, websites and blogs you can get the latest news
and information on just about any high school player's games and their stats sometimes written
up minute by minute in real time.Think about this one for a minute: do stats
help you get recruited for college or not? I have seen many high school football
games where it's a blow out by half-time and the coach takes out all the
starters. Did this quarterback's stats really tell the full story or can these numbers
be somewhat misleading? You be the judge.What about the basketball player who, just like
in football, does not play the whole game and their numbers are down but with
more playing time could have a 20 point or higher game average. They were looking
for major college programs to come and see them play. That is one way to
get the college coaches attention. I have seen high school basketball players who average 30
points per game in high school and when their stats are published in the newspaper
you would think that this player can really play ball and that they are on
their way to a major college program. If it's a quarterback and he passes for
just 200 yards in the game, if he'd played until the 4th quarter he may
have passed for 300 or maybe 400 yards in that game.When you read about that
game in the Sunday paper, that team won but that quarterback only passed for 200
yards some would think he had just an average game and others may think that
he's not as good as some other player across town. The thing is that college
coaches want to see more of than numbers and stats is ability and skill and
heart Nike Requin and passion for the sport. Can they really play?Many times the real followers of
high school sports will know that it's about that player's talent level, can they play
at the college level and are they any good? Many high school players with big
numbers sometimes get more hype because of message boards, websites and blogs, the sports page
and T.V.--because they have great numbers.It's always a better story to cover a basketball player
who scored 50 points in a game or the football player who rushes for 300
yards in a football game. Most high school coaches want to win the game but
also give the other players a chance to play as well.The difficulty with stats is
when it comes to being recruited, what should you use to measure one's playing ability?
Is the player who scores 12 points per game less of a player than the
one who scores 20 points per game? Or what about the football player who gets
150 yards rushing per game and some other player gets 250. Both were about 6'5
maybe 6'6 and they played at a school just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. The player
who only gets 100 yards passing or 15 points in a basketball game will not
be mentioned anywhere. These players were very good. These two did end up at mid-major
basketball programs and really went no further than that. I would go and see these
guys play and they seemed to be very good and I, as a college recruiter,
wanted to see what was really going on.They were that good! When I got to
the game these two brothers, coached by their father, really had game! But the points
they scored were true; they got those points if it was 30 points or the
other brother got 40 points, those numbers were real. But when I read the sports
page the next day the other stats were not so real; 20 rebounds or 15
assists and I said to myself- I know they did get those other numbers but
if I hadn't seen the game with my own eyes, I would be lead
to believe that they didn't it all.Come to find out, there were deeper issues with
this family and the father who was their coach. The numbers were very good and
sometimes good and often better than the week before.Back in those days I use to
attend a lot of ballgames to scout players for my business. Sometimes the numbers don't
tell the true story. In my many years as a college recruiter I try to
tell the story about that player's story; about what he or she is capable of
as an athlete not the numbers. They both had just typical college careers, nothing more.
What kind of competition are they playing against? What is the talent level of the
other players? Often, the numbers don't tell the story and should not always be used
to make it seem like one player is better than another player. The numbers or
stats, if you will, cannot really tell if that player can play at a high
level college program.Here's something that will not make since to you at all about stats
and recruiting. College coaches will recruit with their eyes and try to use good common
since and not only see the numbers.Many times, parents will put pressure on high school
coaches to play their kid more or play them the entire game just to get
their numbers higher. Who's really better?With stats, it's a hard thing to measure one player
over another or even use in recruiting. Every day I would read the paper and
see their stats which read like 30 points, 20 rebounds and other items as well
each week. Can he or she really play?http://woodsrecruiting.comWoods Recruiting: specializing in helping high school student
athletes get recruited for college..
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