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They have 12 games against teams that figure to be above their level and 4 games
against teams that could be anywhere--like the Cleveland Browns. Could the Saints actually improve? They
were averaging about 8 wins per season prior to 2005.QuarterbackThe New Orleans Saints get a
major improvement at the QB spot thanks to the signing of Drew Brees. With Drew
Brees at QB, the receiving unit should get the opportunity to shine. The McAllister/Bush combo
could give opposing defenses fits.ReceiversJoe Horn had hamstring issues last season. Although he will be
fine come the season opener, it's something to keep an eye on. He better come
ready to play, because first round pick, Reggie Bush, is waiting in the wings. The
special nike tn teams has two dynamite players--first there's John Carney kicking field goals and second there's
Mitch Berger kicking punts.2006 PredictionIt would be hard for the Saints to repeat the disaster
that was the 2005 season. While the linebacker unit won't be stellar, they could be
average, which would be an improvement. After last years disgusting 3-13 season--thanks partly to hurricane
Katrina--the Saints are hoping 2006 brings better fortunes. First-year head coach, Sean Payton, has his
work cut out for him. He recently signed a deal. The Saints added LB Scott
Fujita and LB Anthony Simmons. Bush really isn't a full-time running back, but he can
severely eat into McAllister's playing time if Deuce fails to perform. I look for the
Saints to tn requin win 5-6 games this season. Still, don't expect the team to head to
the Super Bowl. Unless you have been in a coma, you know the Saints drafted
one of the top college players, Reggie Bush. Overall the Saints defense will not stop
many people in their tracks, but they could get in the way enough to slow
down the scoring and give the offense a realistic shot at winning the game. A
healthy McAllister and the play of Bush could loosen the grip on the receivers this
season. Anything more is a bonus.Don't make another football bet until you watch this football
betting tips video right now. Bush adds an interesting element to the backfield of the
Saints offense. Brees is coming off of shoulder surgery. Direct from Las Vegas. He will
rebound this year, which is his 11th in the NFL. He's been working hard and
will come back with a vengeance in 2006. He will be a huge upgrade, and
the Saints now have a formidable passer leading the offense. With Brees at QB, the
Saints have an above average man at the position.Running BackDeuce McAllister tore an ACL in
his right knee last season. Donte Stallworth has his best season yet in 2005 and
he should improve again in 2006. This unit has the ability to be above average
this season.Defense and Special TeamsComing into this season the linebacker unit was really the weakest
point in the defense. Watch it!.
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